At Moody's, we unite the brightest minds to turn today’s risks into tomorrow’s opportunities.

A broader, more global perspective on diversity

We want all our employees, everywhere we operate to be equally involved and supported in all areas of our workplace. Our goal is to foster a broader and more holistic understanding of diversity.

As a global company, we seek to understand how different parts of the world view diversity differently, so we can consistently speak about it, measure it, and share progress about it. By continuing to expand our perspective of diversity, we will enhance our understanding of our people, and how we can attend to their unique needs now and in the future.
Building our talent pipeline
We continue to make strides to increase diversity by growing and widening the variety of talent coming into Moody’s, at every level of the organization. By empowering employees, we enable them to make significant contributions to the markets and communities we serve.
Inclusive recruiting
We believe that who and how we hire is critical to our business success. We evaluate candidates based on their qualifications and not their gender identity, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, age, veteran status, disability, or any other protected characteristic. To remove barriers to identifying the best talent and to expand access to jobs at Moody’s, we focus on:
  • Selecting a diverse interview panel to provide varied points of view during evaluation
  • Leveraging recruiting partnerships and job boards that expand our pool of candidates
  • Presenting diverse slates of qualified candidates for our open positions
  • Establishing consistent interviewing practices
  • Formalizing feedback collection by using consistent rating scales to promote objective feedback on candidates
  • Holding debrief meetings where the most junior interviewer on the panel provides candidate feedback first and the hiring manager last, to allow all voices to be heard
Moody’s partners with numerous higher education institutions to identify potential talent and provide them with career development opportunities. Moody’s is also a member of several professional associations dedicated to promoting access to qualified talent, including the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) and Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA), the first national Latino professional association in the United States. Moody’s is honored to serve as the ALPFA Convention Lead Sponsor for 2022-24 and proudly supports the professional development, advancement, and networking of ALPFA members. Below are some other partners that support us in our efforts to expand our pool of candidates:
  • Executive Leadership Council (ELC)
  • Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America (LEDA)
  • Information Technology Senior Management Forum (ITSMF)
  • Posse Foundation
  • Prep for Prep Foundation
  • Hire our Heroes
  • Avtar- Seramount
  • The Women’s Foundation - Hong Kong
  • Community Business / DIAN
  • EmpowHer
  • Women in Banking & Finance- Australia
  • 100 Women in Finance
  • British Disability Forum
  • LGBT Great
  • MindForward Alliance
  • myGwork
  • PowerToFly
  • Stonewall
  • Women in Banking & Finance (WIBF)
LGBTQ+, veterans and people with disabilities
Moody's received a score of 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2023 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), marking 12 consecutive years that we have earned a top ranking. The CEI is a national benchmarking survey and report on corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ+ workplace equality.  

Moody’s honors the service and experience of veterans around the world as valuable contributions to our company. Moody's employees, regardless of veteran status, volunteer with veteran support organizations to assist veterans with their transition into private sector employment.  Our employees volunteer with American Corporate Partners (ACP) to mentor and help veterans and, in 2023, Moody’s hired its first ‘Hiring Our Heroes (HOH)’ Fellow. HOH connects the military community—service members, military spouses, and veterans—with American businesses to create economic opportunity and a strong and diversified workforce.  

Moody’s supports people with disabilities and our veterans through our respective BRGs and organizational partnerships. At Moody's, we're proud to foster an environment that values and appreciates everyone’s unique abilities. This commitment to inclusivity was recognized in 2023 when we scored a 100 on the Disability Equality Index®, earning us the title of a "Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion.”

Our Business Resource Groups (BRGs) as cultural ambassadors

We understand the value our BRGs bring value to our organization. By creating a place where everyone can come together, they foster a sense of belonging and community and create a space where employees feel they can be their most authentic selves at work.
Each of our 11 BRGs works closely with the Inclusion team and our Executive Global and Regional Sponsors to play an important role in advancing inclusion at Moody’s. We have 53 regional chapters that are open to all employees across the Americas, EMEA, and APAC, serving as networks for purposeful engagement and a critical point to bring the organization together.

Here's how:

Events aligned with Inclusion Strategy
BRGs plan events and initiatives inspired by the focus areas of our Inclusion Strategy. For example, PurposeFirst engagement is a core goal for every BRG member as events happen throughout the year. PurposeFirst is our framework that helps us make intentional choices about where and how we work, based on the types of work our teams are doing.

Learning and development
Our BRGs are important networks for employees to share their unique perspectives and help advance our Inclusion Strategy. We empower our BRGs to create learning opportunities—whether in person or via virtual events—so each group can play a role in helping to facilitate important conversations and foster understanding and acceptance. In our BRG-led mentorship programs, peers can gather to engage with leaders and one another to further their professional development.

Cultural events
We take great pride in honoring and celebrating our diverse workforce. Throughout the year, our BRGs host culturally significant events around the globe, such as Lunar New Year, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Ramadan, Hispanic Heritage Month, Mental Health Awareness Month, Pride month, Diwali, International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans Day, among others. These celebrations foster respect and open-mindedness about other cultures and help start conversations that can educate and unite us.

Moody's Black Impact BRG
Moody's ConectaMos BRG
Moody's EnAble BRG
Moody's Generational BRG
Moody's Inclusion Group
Moody's Minds BRG
Moody's Multicultural BRG
Moody's Pan-Asian Impact BRG
Moody's Pride BRG
Moody's Veterans BRG
Moody's Women BRG

Awareness and education

Inclusion work is never done, so we’re committed to continuously finding opportunities to educate ourselves in a constantly changing world. When we know better, we do better, so it’s important that we remain aware and educated on the evolving aspects of inclusion.  
Learning topics
We want to create an environment that makes everyone feel safe and accepted in an authentic way, so we create events and programs to help our employees learn about topics like:
  • Inclusive decision making
    Unconscious biases are social stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals form outside their own conscious awareness. Training for inclusive decision-making will continue to be a priority.
  • Neurodiversity
    This refers to the idea that there is no “right” way of thinking, learning, and socializing. Our different ways of looking at and interacting with the world are welcome.
  • Mental health
    This encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being, influencing cognition, perception, and behavior. Mental health can determine how an individual handles stress, interpersonal relationships, and decision-making.

Pay equity and inclusive benefits

We are committed to paying all our employees equitably and fairly and to providing them with competitive and inclusive benefits programs. We continue to increase transparency and clarity when it comes to pay and benefits because we want our employees to be in-the-know on these topics. We strive to give employees insight into our fair and consistent compensation practices with simple and easy to understand updates about pay equity.
Pay equity and gender pay gap:
what’s the difference?
Pay equity is compensating people performing equal, substantially similar, or comparable work in a way that is not based on workers' gender or another protected category characteristic (like race or ethnicity), but instead may be explained by neutral job-related factors that differentiate workers' skills, effort, accountability, and working conditions.

The "pay gap" (also known as the "wage gap") is a measure of overall differences in mean or median earnings between two populations. For example, the gender pay gap is the difference between what men as a group earn on average vs. what women as a group earn on average, within a population. Pay gap metrics are heavily impacted by the gender distribution of the workforces, especially at senior leadership levels of the organization.
Providing competitive compensation
At Moody’s, each year, we conduct a thorough analysis to ensure our pay practices remain competitive in each of the markets where we operate. An important part of our compensation philosophy is aligning compensation to local markets (a market can be considered a country, or a region or an industry).  

In addition, every year, we review our pay practices globally for pay equity between women and men performing comparable roles. In the U.S. we also review pay equity between racial/ ethnic groups annually. While no statistical analysis can account for all elements that influence an employee’s pay, we consider meaningful factors such as job-family, location, and educational level. When we find inequities in our pay practices, we make adjustments where necessary. Our pay equity analysis and the findings are reported annually to Moody’s Board of Directors.
See our pay gap report
Offering competitive and inclusive benefits
We are committed to providing our employees with a competitive benefits program designed to care for them and their families — including support for their physical, mental, and financial well-being. We promote preventive care and awareness and support a healthy lifestyle. Promoting financial wellness and supporting flexible work arrangements are critical to creating a work atmosphere where people feel valued and inspired to give their best at work.  

Our benefits are benchmarked routinely against the market, using industry-specific data. Beyond delivering health, welfare and retirement benefits and paid time off, including paid sick days, our benefits are extensive and inclusive, including flexible work arrangements.  

We are always looking to improve our benefits package to meet the needs of employees. Our BRGs serve as a mechanism for letting us know which benefits are most important to employees, a critical element to supporting Moody’s implementation of inclusive benefit enhancements.
Global parental leave policy
In response to feedback from the BRGs and our employees, in 2024, we are introducing a more inclusive, gender-neutral parental leave policy that provides a minimum of 16 weeks of paid parental leave at 100% base salary to employees globally who become parents, including through adoption, surrogacy and permanent foster care. This policy is part of our effort to ensure our employees have the essential time and support they need to welcome a new family member.  

Success and growth of women

We are committed to the success and growth of all our employees, with a particular emphasis on attracting and developing women globally. We have made significant strides in bringing more women into our organization and helping them advance in their careers, in ways that are meaningful to them and support Moody’s business goals.

As part of our initiatives, we are committed to understanding what attracts, engages, and retains employees from many diverse backgrounds, and women particularly, across our organization.
Development Programs
Moody’s development programs bring together employees across all entities and regions, are open to participants of all backgrounds and identities, and our selection criteria are based on individual merit and performance.

Exploring gender equality through our research

Moody’s continues to provide meaningful opportunities for their minority employees to make a positive difference within its four walls and beyond.
Learn more

Supporting women to grow their small businesses

We connect small business owners in emerging markets with the knowledge, skills, and tools required to achieve greater prosperity.
Learn more